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Welcome to Miyul

zomsho@dalai lama
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"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace." "The way to change others' minds is with affection and not anger." "Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." "An open heart is an open mind."
Tibetnews@dalai lama
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“When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighbouring communities.”
Martin luther king
Martin luther king@username
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I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
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Traveling to Tibet is a journey into the heart of the Himalayas, a land of breathtaking landscapes, ancient culture, and spiritual significance. Nestled on the high plateau of the Tibetan Plateau, it offers a unique blend of stunning scenery, vibrant Buddhist traditions, and warm hospitality..